Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Giving versus just getting value....training your "connections-based" mind

I really don't know many people who have literally done it on their own. Sure there are those who live in the genius category, seemingly able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and do it with ease and alone. But if I were to guess the other 99% of us have relied upon others to help, support and mentor even when we didn't know we had asked for it, needed it or even wanted it.

For this reason, I think that as we move through life and in our careers that we take a real look (e.g., pay attention) at how we can better create a connections-based mind. I call it that because it is a way of thinking all the time not just something that you do when you have to or feel obligated. It's like gratitude - who wants to have someone thank them knowing that they really don't give a hoot? Right, no one.

So how do we create a connections-based mind? Well, like any professional athlete, spiritual guide or leader, we need to practice, practice, practice. Kinda like meditation for connecting. While we do have many products around that help us connect socially like FB, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and LinkedIN, how do we train our minds to do more conscious listening? How can we pick up on a person's unique attributes and then as we store them (our brain is much bigger and better at this than any social app...at least today) start to make direct connections to those who can use his/her help, service, employment, reference, mentorship, etc?

I started doing this unconsciously many years ago and found that not only did it make me feel good (and stroked the ego a bit too) it also came back to me in spades. I've been spending time with some pretty cool cats as of late who are really practicing doing well by doing good and it's inspired me to make a effort, each day, to make a connection.

So how does it work? Every day, I spend a few moments thinking about what I am grateful for. This puts me "in the mood" to share and also tends to open up my brain a bit - kinda like a CRTL ALT DEL. I reset whatever it is that may be negative and I focus on the positive things that are all around me.

Next I make a game out of connecting. I take a moment after each email (and I get a lot) to think about who else would want to know this person, hear about their idea and what would give someone else energy be it money, happiness, love, motivation, etc. Each week I look back at how many connections I have made and it makes me smile. Not only that, but though this simple practice my in-box constantly amazes me with referrals, new business opportunities, job offers, speaking engagements, etc., etc.

I also ran across a great article in Fortune Magazine that really talks about the 7 Pillars of Connecting With Absolutely Anyone. Loved the article and think that making an effort by using the tools we have and doing a bit of re-tooling of our own brains will bring a multitude of connections, gratitude and "energy" to everyone that you meet.

Happy Connecting!!!