Thursday, July 23, 2015

Value in Independence

I've not written for almost a year. A lot can be said about being absent from social media but one thing I know is that it takes time to reflect, get centered and go forward.

As an entrepreneur, I've been in many situations where I've been asked to do something or work on an existing project only to find that a) it was ill-planned, b) not planned at all, or c) planned by someone who never knew how to execute the plan to begin with. Amazing as it may seem bulled c is all too prevalent in businesses today.

It seems that everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel across media, social outreach, customer acquisition, bringing diversity to their organizations, investing in new name it. We are in a hailstorm of daily communications about how far behind we are, what we don't know, what we need to watch....and it is ever changing.

I love Sir Richard Branson. Truly, his dedication and laser sharp focus on his business coupled with his enthusiasm for life, for his family and for doing good is contagious. I've not heard him speak but can only imagine that he'd be mesmerizing. Same with Deepak Chopra. A great, centered being, with something simple to say yet it takes time and practice to unwind the mess in our minds to act with grace and kindness and move forward.

While very different, both Richard Branson and Deepak Choopra provide value and know how to execute. They've spent years practicing what they preach and can not only see the future but also guide their lives and companies to execute. If you listen to their very carefully chosen words and take a moment to stop, breath and reflect, you'll find them to be quite the same. Do what you love. Listen more, talk less. Be kind to others. Live life to the fullest. All of these "sayings" are valuable on their own but when coupled with a moment to stop and think and apply to ones life they are more than the sum of their parts.

Value in independence. I've walked on both sides of this road both professionally and personally. Having take a quick trip back into corporate life recently (and back out again) it reaffirmed once again how much I truly value being independent (and thinking outside the box), able to work with people that I actually like, to take on projects that stretch my mind, help me grow and provide value to my clients.

Independence does not just mean in work. Independence can mean just being "you" in whatever way, shape or form that takes be it personal or professional. When you look in the mirror are you seeing someone that is reliant on others for their self worth or a salary that while it pays the bills is draining your emotional and professional being?? How do you execute this every day? What tools, people or support do you need to make this happen?

Focusing on what you love. That's a big statement for sure. Sometimes it's very scary to let go of what you think you should be doing and just do what you know is right for you. Making money is necessary but it's just energy. Providing value first to yourself and then to others and your work is using that energy in a positive fashion. With this in mind, anyone can be more valuable in their lives, their families, their work....and become a focus master to execute their best self.

Value in independence. Providing value. Executing. How do you take these simple statements and apply them to your every day life??