Monday, February 3, 2014

Gratitude App - leveraging mobile and social mediums to discover and grow personal and professional attributes and scale to provide global impact

I haven't posted in a month or so but have been spending some time looking at value-based businesses. When I say value-based, I am not only looking at the product but the service that a business is providing to humanity as a whole and the potential for global impact.

As part of the advertising/media industry (and post our Superbowl blitz of ads) what percent showcased ideals like humility, kindness, gratefulness or understanding? We are drawn to the puppy / Clydesdales, Veterans and family value ads...Why?? because they strike a cord and make us feel all warm and fuzzy. But what, if any, long term impact do these ads or companies provide??

As I've moved along my career path I've been very lucky to work with a handful of people and projects that actually had quantifiable impact on the human race. Unfortunately, today, these are few and far between.

I spent some time in Miami recently (no, not just to get out of the snow in NYC) but to look at a special platform being built by a special group of people who are leveraging mobile tech and social networks to play an incredible role in helping people realize their life's possibilities.

Interested? I was!

Nick Conner a successful entrepreneur exited four years ago. He made a lot of money and left Tribeca for Miami. His brother, famous guru and spiritual guide, Patrick Conner, was one reason for his move to Miami. Yet something else was eating at him....he understood that everyone was capable of extraordinary things yet the difficulty was unlocking the potential within each of us. This is done by discovering our higher qualities and removing our limiting beliefs.

And then came along Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools to create the inner positivity required to enable this potential. The greatest impact is expressing gratitude for others - it impacts every part of our life - work, family, friends, relationships and success. Yet, despite wanting to do it, most of us find it cumbersome or it requires too much effort.

Enter YouCloud. Nick and his team have developed a platform of Apps (Android and IOS launching April '14) that make it simple to express appreciation and see how that appreciation grows, is paid forward, showcases your unique potential qualities and impacts lives..

The platform will launch with a beautiful and free app about Gratitude but the vision is much larger. The group of Apps will help corporations and businesses align values and culture, track performance, enhance job recruitment. The platform will also be used as a tool to enhance personal relationships, matching, and even guideing children and parenting. The abiltiy to discover, log, review, track and provide key development content for any number of goals is not only powerful, it is what is needed today to grow economies, leverage technology for human good, decrease stress, improve education, live more fully, be healthier, and ensure that we are building a better world.

I believe in the power of gratitude and the impact that these types of programs and platforms can provide. Happily I am working with Nick and team to help raise a round of capital and look forward to seeing how this will explode and impact the world in a positive way.

If you are interested in finding out more, please drop Nick a line at

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